Camper Forms

Camper forms include a health record, a cabinmate request form, emergency contacts and other information that ensures your child can attend Camp. It also allows parents and guardians to share important traits about their child so we can better support them during the summer. 

Start Your Camper Forms

Camper Physical

The Camper Physical is an essential form for overnight camp. Your pediatrician will need to fill out and sign this paper form. Once returned, you can upload it back into your account. We accept Camper Physicals annually. You can get started ahead of time by downloading the form below. 

Camper Physical

Code of Conduct

Camp is a great opportunity for our campers to live in community and grow in leadership, independence and confidence. Maintaining a safe and healthy environment is crucial for this growth, and we expect everyone to treat one another with respect and dignity. The Code of Conduct is reviewed and discussed in each cabin and each camper signs the form as they commit to doing what is right during their time at Sea Gull or Seafarer. 

Sailing at Camp Sea Gull Sailing at Camp Sea Gull

Camper Forms

Camp Sea Gull and Camp Seafarer work with Realo, a local pharmacy in New Bern, N.C., to handle all camper prescriptions. Parents need to set up an account with Realo at least 30 days before the first day of Camp. Realo will also need a new prescription from your doctor; they cannot transfer prescriptions. 

Do not send your child's medication with them to Sea Gull or Seafarer. This includes all vitamins, prescription and over-the-counter medications and any herbal/holistic treatments. All medication must go through Realo and our Health Center staff.  

Create Realo Account

Parents must designate someone as their child's Emergency Pick-Up Contact. This Emergency Pick-Up Contact is someone who, within 12-24 hours of receiving a phone call from Sea Gull or Seafarer, would be able to pick up your child from Camp if we are unable to contact parents or guardians.  

You will be asked to add an Emergency Pick-Up Contact as you complete Camper Forms. 

Sea Gull and Seafarer can honor one mutual cabinmate request per camper. Cabinmates must be of the same grade and age. Not all requests can be honored, as we work to create a diverse cabin group. The number of campers assigned to the same cabin from the same town or friendship group is intentionally limited to encourage new friendships and discourage cliques.   

Every camper is required to have an account created with local pharmacy, Realo, even if not on medication or will not be bringing medication to Camp.

This is precautionary in case your child is placed on prescription medication while at Camp, such as an antibiotic or a prescription itch cream. 

You can create that account now, or when filling out your Camper Forms.