
A strong endowment is the financial foundation of any organization. This is particularly true at YMCA Camp Sea Gull and YMCA Camp Seafarer where our unrestricted endowment provides a stream of income to the operating budget each year and gives us the ability to plan and make strategic decisions with financial security.

Camp's unrestricted endowment income is combined with earnings from restricted named endowments and works in tandem with the Camp Annual Campaign to ensure funds are available to provide financial assistance for all, update program equipment, support staff and leadership development, address ongoing maintenance and upkeep of facilities and provide camp opportunities for our neighbors in Pamlico County.

By helping grow Camp's endowment, you aren’t just helping Camp Sea Gull and Camp Seafarer this year or next, you are helping ensure the traditions, purpose and commitment to excellence that you believe in will influence and enhance the lives of campers for generations to come.

Leadership gifts to our endowment are one way to join our Bright Society. 

Email Gretchen Hyde, VP of Philanthropy, or call 919-582-9313 for more information.

Named Funds for Camperships

William J. Adams IV Endowment 
Established by Bill and Sarah Adams

George Hamilton Andrews and James Rose Andrews Endowment 
Established by George and Debbie Andrews

Reid Ashe III Memorial Endowment 
Established by O. Reid Ashe, Jr. and Lisa Frey Ashe

Axelrod Endowment 
Established by Michael E. and Lillie Silver Axelrod

Baldwin-Gardner Family Endowment 
Established by Robert F. Baldwin, III

The Burnie Batchelor Family Camper Scholarship Endowment 
Established by Jerry S. Batchelor

Ellen Bohannon Campen Endowment 
Established by Henry and Ellen Campen

Harden/Bradford Sea Gull Endowment 
Established by Bill and Anne Bradford

Charlie Carl Memorial Endowment 
Established in memory of Charlie Carl

Howard Covington, Sr. Endowment 
Established by Howard Covington, Jr.

Griffith Staff Legacy Endowment  
Established by Lloyd and Cille Griffith

Bonnie Grizzard Endowment 
Established by Southeastern Mills, Inc.

Annette Siler Hungerford Scholarship Endowment
Established by Owen Hungerford and Emily Giesel

Ann Marie Mason Endowment 
Established by James W. Mason III and Lynn M. Mason

Charles H. and Julia O. Phillips Memorial Scholarship Fund  
Established by Charles H. and Julia O. Phillips

Elizabeth Sauer and Bryan Moody Endowment 
Established by Elizabeth Sauer and Bryan Moody

Jean L. and Lawrence B. Shuping Jr. Endowment 
Established by Zan Shuping, Jean Dada and the Jean L and Lawrence B. Shuping Jr. Charitable Remainder Trust

Williford Family Scholarship Endowment 
Established by Chris and Nora Williford

Wilmot Family Endowment 
Established by the Wilmot Family

Camp Seafarer Marathon Endowment (Run A Kid To Camp) 
Established by Camp Seafarer Summer Administrative Staff

Mother Duck Endowment 
Established by Alice Thoman Melott


Named Funds for Leadership and Professional Development

Penn and Amy Clarke Endowment 
Established by Penn and Amy Clarke

Leonard Family Endowment 
Established by Christopher and Laura Leonard

Lynn Moss Leadership Endowment 
Established by Volunteers

Nagaraj Family Staff Experience Endowment
Established by Lavanya and Sharat Nagaraj

Newman Family Medical Scholarship Endowment 
Established by Kurt, Alison, Robert and Jack Newman

Ramseur Family Endowment 
Established by Bobby and Amanda Ramseur

Bo Roberts Staffing Endowment
Established by the Roberts Family and friends

Will and Cope Smith Family Endowment 
Established by the Sara and Cal Smith Family


Named Funds for Facility and Program

Ashworth Family Sailing Endowment
Established by Steve and Patsy Ashworth in honor of Molly Ashworth DeCola, Katie Ashworth Taylor, Susan Ashworth Dumbacher

Barham Family Endowment for Camp 
Established by Charles and Peggy Barham

The Robert Winston “Judge” Carr, Jr. and Marjorie Barnwell “Muff” Carr Endowment Fund 
Established by Judge and Muff Carr

Catharine McNally Fund for Accessibility 
Established by Catharine McNally 

Buzz Mitchell Memorial Endowment 
Established by friends of the Buzz Mitchell Family

William K. Nonidez and Jose F. Nonidez Endowment Fund 
Established by William K. Nonidez

Ginger Mims Alexander Neustadt Endowment
Established by Virginia Mims Alexander Neustadt

Seafarer Sailing Endowment 
Established by Bill and Barb Linton

Van Dorsten Endowment
Established by Peter and Brett Van Dorsten


Named Funds for Community Programs

Frank Scott Endowment 
Established by the family of Frank Scott

Doug and Jo Anna McMillan Family Endowment 
Established by Jo Anna's family


General Funds

General YMCA Camp Sea Gull and YMCA Camp Seafarer Endowment 
Established by Camp Directors

General YMCA Camp Sea Gull and YMCA Camp Seafarer Facilities Endowment 
Established by Camp Directors



Email Gretchen Hyde, VP of Philanthropy, or call 919-582-9313 for more information.